V11.1 M010

  • Footnotes: implemented ‘multiplecalls 2’ and multiplecallsattributes to selectively ignore attributes when comparing if footnotes are the same and so should be skipped (SPR 2889278)
  • Improved inline keeps <?bk> <?ek> <?bkw> <?ekw> (SPR 2813106, 2813660, 2813712, 2814766)
  • Fixed problem importing a PDF file when a page number and a PDF Box are both specified. (SPR 4880150)
  • Fixed incorrect width of Figure Space and Punctuation Space in some Truetype/Opentype fonts. (SPR 2812614)
  • Fixed crash with <?page insert> PI (SPR 4681400)
  • Fixed fdBlock.content array so it doesn’t show fields that don’t belong to the block (SPR 4697994)
  • Fixing blockend mode 3 to cover the case when the block also contains a nested block with content (SPR 2891899)
  • Adding new frame gutter rule modes to tfrules dialog (SPR 4720068)
  • Fixed pageseq end multiple when the sequence already ends on the multiple.
  • Improved handling of named PDF bookmarks if their parents haven’t been created yet
  • Fixed FOM crashes when getting and using non-existent page sequence control streams (SPR 4746915)
  • Fixed indexes to output empty level0 header in prealpha group (SPR 2121165/2814776)
  • Fixes for XSLT HTML output, including output of errant semicolons.
  • Fix for issue when using ‘..’ in an XPath expression (SPR 2812403).
  • Fix for EXSLT str:tokenize() (SPR 2812403).
  • Fix to prevent “xmlns:” prefix appearing on default namespace declarations in XSLT output (SPR 4741954).
  • Ensure XPath finds namespaces in scope correctly (SPR 4697892).
  • Prevent crash when augmenting DOM in an infinite loop (SPR 2813743).
  • Prevent erroneous error message appearing when Replace Undefined Entity References is switched on (SPR 2812616).
  • Prevent crash when using <exslt:document> in XSLT (SPR 4852513). }((31,12))212 }Footnotes: fixed performance and formatting when there are footnotes that occur on later pages but are within a row that starts on the current page (SPR 2045907)
  • Footnotes: fixed performance and formatting when there are footnotes that occur on later pages but are within a row that starts on the current page (SPR 2045907)
  • Footnotes: fixed potential crash when processing a footnote that is in the wait list or the delayed list (SPR 2045907)
  • Fixed pointer error with wrap references when typing in partial format mode (SPR 2812425)
  • Fixed footnotes when avoiding specified frames so that horizontal position is taken into account (SPR 4597717)


And the FOM release notes say this:


  • Added fFrame.graphicScaleX, graphicScaleXSize, graphicScaleXPercent, graphicScaleY, graphicScaleYSize, graphicScaleYPercent properties.
  • Added fFrame.GUTTER_FRAMEAVOID constant.
  • Added fFootnote.DisregardMode constant group.
  • Changed type of fFootnote.disregardMulitples property from a boolean to an integer.
  • Added fFootnote.disregardMultiplesAttrributes property.
  • Added fTIFFPrinter object.
  • Added fPDFPrinter.PDFUAStandards constant group.
  • Added fPDFPrinter.standardsPDFUA property.
  • Added fDocumentSequenceItem.language property.
  • Added fPage.pageseqLanguage property.
  • Added fDocumentSequenceItem.usePagePosition property.
  • Added fPDFTagElement.ListNumberingTypes, TableScopes constant groups.
  • Added fPDFTagElement.id, listNumbering, tableScope, tableHeaders, height, width properties.