Financial Typesetting & regulatory compliant document comparison
The Financial Solution from tformat is a financial document conversion and composition platform with regulatory compliant document comparison and data integrity validation, specifically designed for the specialist requirements of the Financial Print Industry.
Overcome competitive demands
- Speed of processing and turn-around ⇨ Data conversion, correction cycles, and composition.
- Flexibility to adapt and change ⇨ Adapt to new inputs, style requirements and the unexpected.
- Accuracy & Compliance ⇨ High accuracy of composition and comparative submission regulations.
- Specialist Financial Typesetting ⇨ Complex composition functionality easily controlled.
Conversion and pre-processing
- Fast conversion of MS Word documents into a format that is effective for structuring the output data and handling for internal workflow and typesetting.
- An environment to edit, author and structure the supplied converted data while maintaining data model integrity and validity.
- The flexibility of what can be brought out from the source Word document into the converted clean output.
Composition and document life-cycle
- Easy to use purpose-designed data model.
- Full manual WYSIWYG typesetting control with semi-automated processes from within the typesetting API, while maintaining the potential of full black box automation and cloud-based solutions.
- Flexible and easy to use desktop typesetting environment with an intuitive stylesheet and/or data-driven style and page layout controls.
- Accurate blacklining (strikethrough/red-lining/change tracking) at multiple proof cycle levels.
- Split & merge of large documents during composition and/or proofing stages to increase load balancing for faster turn-around times.
- Rendering of UKLA / STBL and German / BaFin regulatory compliant comparison proofs at any stage and between any cycle/proof level.
Document comparison and compliance
- Validation of the data ensures mark-up compliance at all stages of initial conversion through to typesetting.
- A comparison configuration set-up to ensure flexibility of threshold controls and highly intuitive comparison algorithms enables it to deliver UKLA / STBL and German / BaFin regulatory compliant comparisons.
- Real-time generated user mark-up/tag set documentation and error handling GUI integrated into the validation process.
Outputs & Pipelines
- PDF/PostScript.
- MS Word generation from typeset output.
- Edgar.
The technology used in the solution comprises of both new custom-made software’s based on the latest Java and .Net, combined with tried and tested platforms and technologies into a cohesive suite that can be customized for specific customers and their requirements.
Each of the main core components is integrated into an effective workflow and subscription licensing model, but can also work standalone or in conjunction with other 3rd party systems.
Complete service
As developers of some components and value-added resellers of others, we can offer you the full package of consultancy, software, tailoring and development services, training and support whatever the size or complexity of your requirement.
Watch a case study implementation presentation about this solution and its components on our tformat youtube channel.
For more information please contact us.