The release notes have this to say:
o Added <?tbspanframe> and <?blockspanframe> PIs. Allows spanning to the frame, skipping ancestor blocks and overflow mode 3 tables.
o Fixed fParagraph.decimalChars getter and removed extra double quotes from _app:Tables:entry_alignchar. (SPR 2001285)
o Fixed problems accessing child layers on named layergroups in FOM (SPR 2003566)
o Fixed issue with tag properties not being saved with linked tags (SPR 2004062)
o Fixed issue with not breaking a link correctly (SPR 2009891)
o Fixed problems with converting to fPage objects and fContent.gotoPage() (SPR 2009912).
o Fixed handling of CDATA sections when using an XML Tree stream. (SPR 2006828).
o Fixed error in XML Printer options dialog preventing XSLT stylesheets from being specified. (SPR 2009024)
o Fixed copyfit /Q (quick) option when frame ends with a nested table. (SPR 2010675)
o Added option to ensure default attributes specified in a DTD are added to the XML tree during parsing. (SPR 2010670)
o Fixed the ^___# special variable; accessing it was corrupting the current format position. (SPR 2009719)
o Fixed crash caused by calling ‘quit’ macro from within a Perl script. (SPR 1874836)
o Fixed problem with context matching (and XSLT) failing when using a position predicate on an ancestor of an element. (SPR 2008679)
o Enhanced copyfit /Q fix to work when frame ends with a complete nested table (not split). (SPR 2011076)
The FOM release notes for this release say this:
o Renamed fBlock.avoid to fBlock.spanAvoid. The property is still available under the previous name which is now deprecated
o Renamed fTable.avoid to fTable.spanAvoid. The property is still available under the previous name which is now deprecated
o Added fTable.spanFrame and fBlock.spanFrame properties
o Added fRuleLinePattern.EndPatterns constants
o Added fTextRule.wordsOnly property
o Added fApplication.environment property
o Added fApplication.calculateHash() method
o Added fFormatting.getCurrentIndent() method for relative indents