One of the biggest customers and early adopters of Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher (3B2) Desktop and Enterprise Server was Boeing Commercial Aircraft.
The implementation of the solution using 3B2 took only five months from proof of concept to actual production trials at Boeing’s EMOD test and development laboratory in Long Beach, California. As a result of 3B2’s native support for SGML and advanced formatting features, implementation was much faster than was required for Boeing’s previous composition engine. In addition, 3B2 eliminated many of the constraints encountered with previous software, enabling superior composition at record speeds. (Originally implemented by the projects development team at Advent Publishing Systems Limited.)
Boeing Commercial Airplanes Division therefore adopted Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher (APP) for their key volume publishing requirements to publish print-ready PostScript from complex SGML data at a ‘World’s best’ rate of over 9,000 pages per minute!