Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher 9.1
APP Version 9.1 A001 (Build 400)
- Fixed problem with incorrect revision level being reported when a line breaks at a position where multiple revision markers exist.
- Fixed problem with <?bk>…<?ek> potentially locking up during a table prescan when they occur immediately after a hyphenated word.
- Preventing predefined XML entities from appearing in non-XML streams.
- Fixed problem in tables where nothing fits on a line except for leading spaces.
- Fixed incorrect use of para revision marker when first character of a paragraph is deleted.
- Implemented <?bkw> and <?ekw> as word based versions of <?bk> and <?ek>.
- Fixed problem with spot colour lines in PDF driver.
- Fixed problem when deleting a tag that is used in a grouped frame.
- Frame rotation extended to cope with footnotes.
- Fixed problem with ttrevout on a selection of text that begins with a delete marker.
- Fixed problem with delete marker after a tag being lost when the tag is removed in don’t mark styles mode.
- Fixed problem with yanking a selection of text that begins with a delete marker.
- Fixed problem when a table with a top caption is the first thing in a balance.
- Fixed an issue so that when a table that is breaking across multiple frame columns overflows it automatically goes to the next frame.
- Fixed hyphenation problem in Unicode version when word contains a \\ character.
- Modified tputfdtp so that it also saves dependant auto-generated table tags from earlier freezes.
- Fixed issue preserving counters in reshow slots when using multiple table headers.
- Improved detection of bad fdi data when loading a file.
- Fixed fdppg frame property so that it doesn’t clear all fish data when changing the footnote counter.
- Fixed display maths from being able to hang 10mm over the end of frame when at end of stream.
- Fixed paragraph keeps from crossing balance boundaries.
- Fixed crash when loading internet files.
- Fixed inline markers from being displayed twice at the start of lines that need to be formatted twice.
- Fixed txmlcatalog to allow x3b2 style filenames.
- Fixed problem with <?h> command next to a words in the hyphenation exception dictionary.
- Fixed problem with a space at the end of the last line of a frozen page.
- Fixed minor problem with Advanced options in Search/Replace dialogue box.
- Fixed problem with spaces underlined with a rule control stream at the end of a line.
- Fixed keeps between multiple paragraphs which specify “balance before” or “break across columns”
- Fixed possible slow down with FISH variables.
- Fix bug with missing passthru on the XML Printer Driver.
- Fixed problem with repeated word in hyphenator.
- Fixed PostScript errors when using bookmark links with Unicode tag names.
- Fixed bug when using <?tbreshow=2,slotnum> and multiple headers.
- Extended <?tbreshow=2> so that it also works when breaking mid-row without any headers.
- Fix so that table prescan is triggered to measure sub-columns even if all the columns have fixed widths.
- Added protection and format warning when table sub-columns are too wide for the main column.
- Fixed crash when using the exsl:document() extension function.
- Fixed accolades that are under text and rules from killing other accolades that are closed on the same line.
- Fixed show string counters when a nested table overflows and the outer table is in overflow mode 2.
- Fixed problem with exsl:document() adding extra new line characters.
- Fixed possible missing revision marker when deleting a tag set to always mark.
- Fixed possible corruption of sfctrl file when updating fonts using a wildcard filename in a folder containing TrueType fonts.
- Added two new function variables: ^[get_frame frame_id] and ^[copyheight “stream”,width]. See sreldocs.3ad or technote #0080 for full details.
- Added support for OpenType fonts containing a CID-keyed PostScript font.
- Fixed memory leak with calcf and xpath expressions.
- Fixed tab triggers just following a ttrigdis command.
- Enhanced writing of page restart info to recognise preceding labels when outputting “stream”,”label” positions.
- Fixed search and replace statistics on a backward search.
- Yellow bar when scrolling up and selecting text – bottom of selected text always on screen not scrolled down.
- Fixed libxml node positions when the text element starts or ends with a character reference.
- Fixed SVG Importer to handle whitespace in tspan blocks correctly.
- Fixed libxml node positions when using DTDs containing multibyte characters.
- Implemented <?tbrkeept> and <?tbrkeeptx> to keep the top of rows together.
- Fixed some problems with the ^[copyheight …] function.
- Fixed <?ttrigjump> when using letter spacing.
- Fixed possible problem in PostScript driver when printing a spot seperation of a colour image.
- Fixed Maths tfit and tfbf macros.
- Added Single Word Orphan feature (tporwl).
- Fixed problem with short words in Greek hyphenator.
- Fixed buffer-overflow (access violation) when a ^(?/^string,^pattern) regex match had a pattern longer then 200 characters.
- Fixed a problem with <?frame update…> that would sometimes not restart the page properly and could stop formatting altogether.
- Fixed use of old fonts encrypted with Maths dongle protection.
- Added new getvar to test if text content in XML can contain significant whitespace.
- Protected against too many accolades being defined at start of line and added warning 1120.
- Fixed problem that occasionally caused text redraw issues.
- Fixed redraw problem with images that contain very long clipping paths.
- Added <?tbmdt> and <?tbmct> PIs and <?tbsimcol=2> option.
- Fixed a problem with anchor control streams where ‘frame’ and ‘column’ keywords (for example) did not respect target frame’s offsets (e.g. tfshift, tftie, tffit)
- Fixed <?ttrigjump> from swallowing text when following an accolade.
- Fixed possible Pointer Error when a line keep block does not fit on a page.
- Fixed broken command line when APP is already running. Creates now “_cl_*” variables also.
- New command line parameter -M:. See sreldocs.3ad for more details.
- Fixed crash with clicking in the yellow bar when a CSS stylesheet is active.
- Fixed SVG Importer to allow style properties on a switch element.
- Added a new function variable: ^[expand string with ^variables or expressions ^(1+2+3)]. See sreldocs.3ad for details.
- Fixed problem with linked SVG graphics not getting reloaded when opening a document.
- Fixed use of the xml-auto encoding with the SVG Importer.
- Fixed problem with partial format in tables which could potentially cause lockups when editing cell contents mid-table, particularly when empty.
- Fixed consecutive property macros so correct PIs are inserted in text. Also fixed tpm macro to prevent <?> being added to style.
- Fixed problem when deleting used tags, also fixed crash involving recursive lookup with namespaces.
- Fixed wrapping reference error when performing partial reformat of the page.
- Fixed tlead macro to return correct results for current page when viewing multiple pages.
- Closing APP all modeless dialogues are now closed properly to make sure that position and size is saved when the wdpref setting is enabled.
- Fixed “duplicate label” and “Duplicate stream close” pointer errors when start APP with modeless dialoges.
- Fixed updating left tag area when creating graphic objects in graphic mode.
- New modeless dialog substituting the left tag area and new macro wtags (toggles on/off).
- Fixed potential corruption when reporting errors from loading bad page format information.
- Fixed problem with positional breakpoints not working in tagdebug.
- Added new wdbmi properties “rollup”, “rolldown” and “rolltoggle”. See technote #tn0051.
- Added some protection to the property gathering system used by the edit bar, so it avoids infinite lockups when tags call each other recursively.
- Added protection and a format warning to handle getting to the end of a table or the stream and still being inside a footer.
- Fixed <?tbsimcol=2> so that it ignores rows that have been skipped; i.e. <?tbheadr=2> rows.
- Modified definition of column-top that is used by <?tbmdt>, <?tbmct> and <?tbsimcol=2> so that it also works whenever the column line number is zero.
- Added <?tbrctp> to preserve the row column top status to the next row.
- Added <?tpignme> as a paragraph property so that the para doesn’t increment line counts and is ignored vertically.
- Modified behaviour when <?tbstrt> follows a <?accolade> at the start of a line, so the dummy line created takes up no height.
- Fixed problems with autoframes using pagelife.
- Fixed problem when using EPS rasters as colours.
- PseudoFont feature added.
- Fixed lockup problem with an accolade start followed by a table start at the beginning of a column.
- Fixed accolades in repeat mode 1 so that they restart in a new frame when within a table.
- Fixed problems when loading SPA information.
- Fixed some memory leaks in SPA system.
- Fixed potential lockup from no progress in the stream because of measure too narrow, zero leading and an automatic tab.
- Fixed use of multi-line table column footers, where the end footer command occurs at the start of a line other than the first.
- Fixed re-scanning of frame and column references when a new table header is defined at the top of a column and replaces the existing one.
- Fixed crash when parsing an XML document with multiple id attributes.
- Improved speed when using getvars to find XML node information.
- Fixed use of CSS stylesheets with the SVG Importer.
- Fixed bad revision marks when pasting large comments in don’t mark styles mode.
- Fixed PostScript output when using fonts containing multiline copyright notices.
- Tag types created in a newer version of APP and will be handled in older versions as a .Tx type but the tag type is restored when the document will be saved.
- Added a variable _obj_svg_errstream to control creation of the SVG error stream.
- Added px as a pixel unit option within Maths at the standard 90dpi relative to 10pt text height.
- Added getvars related to column usage for <?tbamode=1>.
- Added <?tbcoluse> to designate a subset of columns to use in a table.
- Fixed problem that caused a group of tied pages to format multiple times.
- Added page.tie_sequence getvar.
- Added <?page update> command.
- Modified getvar 21622 to return the baseline position of the previous line as the description states.
- Implemented break across columns within a root level slim table.
- Fixed issue when an overflow occurs mid-way through a table column header in a slim table.
- Fixed memory leak when parsing XML.
- Fixed userlock macro to prevent user from changing document window within APP.
- Implemented option top/left page gaps (in Document Preferences – tdpref) to allow viewing of off-page bleeds on all sides.
- Fixed footnote below lowest line placement within nested tables.
- Fixed some element attribute parsing issues involving quoted values.
- Enhanced sprint so that multiple output drivers can have independent registration marks/cutting guides settings.
- Fixed tag dependency scanning (eg. tputfds) that had some buffer overflow problems with long tag names.
- Fixed display of alternate view after freezing a page with slim tables with more than one column.
- Fixed display of a frame reference when there are multiple column headers within a slim table and the table wants to restart mid way through a nested table. (SPR 1302663)
- Fixed the balance of a slim table row which starts within a nested table and also has a column header. (SPR 1302663)
- Reduced memory usage for low res linked rasters.
- Fixed use of page getvars in frame conditions.
- Fixed use of autocopy on tied groups.
- Added support for repeating spanned frames in stack mode alternate views.
- Extended Unicode support for diacritics and control characters. Custom definition of word break and hyphenation points.
- Added optional colour system to PostScript output.
- Fixed problem with autocopy on tied groups.
- Fixed some problems with autocopy on tied groups when pages are frozen.
- Added no autocopy flag to page ties.
- Fixed problem with optional PostScript crop marks when using sprint to print to multiple printers. (C5524626)
- Fixed some footnote formatting problems when alternate views are displayed. (C5482031, SPR1325853)
- Fixed update of preview pane on Styles/Properties/Font dialogue. (SPR 1327388)
APP Version 9.1 A002 (Build 401)
- Fixed some more footnote formatting problems when alternate views are displayed. (C5482031)
- Removed incorrect 1029 errors when formatting a frozen job. (C5480361, SPR1327364)
- Fixed loading of x counters from page format information. (SPR 1327359)
- Fixed the menus for colset getvars.
- Fixed possible stream corruption when range freezing a table that breaks mid-row. (SPR 1335764)
- Fixed inconsistent use of tovpr setting on non text items. (SPR 1274189)
- Fixed issue with text in object graphics going missing when inline maths overflows. (SPR 1334412)
- Fixed the use of paragraph bottom margins and rules when freezing chops the stream at a paragraph boundary and the paragraph start command is carried to the next page. (SPR 1314754)
- Fixed justification of column headers and footers, when they were defined on the very end of an earlier page of a frozen job. (SPR 1314754)
- Fixed the use of paragraph bottom margins when a stream ends at the bottom of a cell, either naturally or due to being cut when freezing. (SPR 1314754)
- Fixed tbcrs and tbrs pointer errors that occur when reaching end of stream in a row/column header/footer that was actually defined on an earlier page of a frozen job. This typically occurs when the definition was on the bottom of a page and where the command that terminated the row/paragraph is carried over to the next page. (SPR 1314754)
- Fixed use of paragraph bottom margins in column footers. (SPR 1314754)
- Fixed problem with hyphenator and ligature tables. (SPR 1329373)
- Fixed problem with Unicode font names in PDF driver. (SPR 1340022)
APP Version 9.1 A003 (Build 402)
- Fixed problem with showstring counters when a table header is redefined at the top of a column and when passing the counters from the main table to the header using slots. (C5569852)
- Modified inline rule control streams so they ignore vertical shifts and work better with superscripts and footnote references etc. (C5302731, SPR 1278515)
- Modified footnote’s “below lowest line” feature to add an avoid gap to the shifted surround frame to prevent the space below from being used. (C5582498, SPR 1337403)
- Restored 1029 errors for autocopy streams when formatting a frozen job. (SPR 1340934)
- Changed width of Hair-Space (0x200A) Thin Space (0x2009) already modified as part of Unicode enhancements. (SPR 1295354)
- Fixed hyphenation of lines that contain Arabic characters. (SPR 1343944)
- Fixed issue with libxml last child getvar.
- Fixed an issue with adding pages so that alternate views are generated properly.
- Fixed an issue with using sprint, preformat streams and footnotes. (C5613177, SPR 1345221)
- tunipair macro for custom unipair table definitions.
- Fixed underlines, strikethrough, rule controls streams etc so they don’t include letter spacing when followed by a space or end of line. (C5310778, SPR 1270671)
- Fixed tpgoto “non_existant_layer” so it does nothing instead of going to the last page. (SPR 1334521)
APP Version 9.1 F000 (Build 403)
- Fixed problem with Finnish hyphenation. (SPR 1287955)
- Fixed copyfit when a table is the first thing in a frame. (C5590723, SPR 1340331)
- Fixed balancing of a slim table when it starts with a nested table which isn’t of overflow type 1. (C5522299, SPR 1323685)
- Modified XInclude to obey XML related document preferences. (C5614706, SPR1352271)
- Fixed handling of undefined entities when reference name contains numbers. (C5546508, SPR1329354)
- Fixed problem with some TrueType fonts. (SPR 1208608)
- Added support for Unicode Non-Breaking Hyphen character. (SPR 1330606)
- Fixed display of revision marker when they occur on a line that would otherwise be suppressed by <?tbend 1> (SPR 1322512)
- Fixed inclusion of user stop reference for multiple columns when overflowing mid-row (SPR 1260610)
APP Version 9.1 F000 (Build 404)
- Fixed displaying of small sections of underlines on the very end of a line when using letter spacing.
- Fixed use of <?tbmb> for a table that breaks across columns, so that the 2nd and 3rd etc columns after the table, aren’t pushed down too far.
- Fix for SPR1337403 removed due to regression. An option will be provided in a later release.
- Fixed crash with logwriter when closing BFERR log multiple times. (SPR 1357483)
- Fixed “multiple calls to same footnote” numbering in alternate views. (SPR 1355126)
- Amendment to fix 127 for footnote below lowest line placement within nested tables. (SPR 1314483)
APP Version 9.1 F000 (Build 405)
- Fixed table bottom margin so that it isn’t applied twice to nested tables.
- Fixed problem with “Set Line Colour” dialogue. (SPR 1359544)
- Modified “multiple calls to same footnote” to recognise footnotes as identical when the only difference is revision markers. (NB: the first footnote encountered will be the one used in the footnote frame.) (SPR 1358684)
- Fixed display of characters following a \\vrule, \\hrule or \\drule command in maths, when the first character after the command is a d, h or w.
- Fixed possible lockups when calling OCX methods. (SPR 1360017)
APP Version 9.1 M010 (Build 406)
- Fixed revision marker problem when using using “Ignore Styles” and “Mark Whole Styles” modes together. (SPR 1355108)
- Fixed problem that rotated nested tables filled out to the width of the parent cell, instead of it’s height and applied both their left and top margins on the left. (SPR 1363284)
- Enhanced fix to “multiple calls to same footnote” as previous fix did not cater for all circumstances. (SPR 1355126)
- Fixed ttrevout so that if there are consecutive markers within different styles or PI’s, these are converted properly. (C5681447, SPR 1362458)
- Fixed drawing of underlines etc which in some cases weren’t displaying at all. (SPR 1367295)
- Improved processing speed when including revision markers in a Call-In. (SPR 1368541)
- Fixed handling of adding position breakpoints in tagdebug. (SPR 1361188)
- Fixed unescaped \?’s in dialogue strings in French version. (SPR 1360073)
- Fixed drawing of underlines, strikethroughs etc when using letter spacing and both are turned off at the same point at the end of a word, or the end of line. (SPR 1360877)
- Fixed Optional PostScript feature on Unicode version. (SPR 1361249)
- Modified EPS import routine to ignore a corrupt TIFF preview. (SPR 1362470)
- Fixed pointer error when a column header and a subsequent nested table both overflow the page due to keeps. (SPR 1350391)
- Modified frame fillers so that they don’t affect vertical format within tables cells (SPR 1358168)
- Reversed stop reference fix above (SPR 1260610) due to regression (C5722914).
- Added new strings files “snum\{LANG\}.3ad” containing localised versions of the micro programs for number formatting (SPR 1367906).
- Increased number of UserMark colours in PostScript driver from 5 to 10 (C5710369).
APP Version 9.1 M020 (Build 420)
- Modified maths characters to work with PseudoFonts (SPR 1365389 and 1372947).
- Fixed problem with default character in PseudoFonts (SPR 1378326).
- Fixed Yakumono to work with PseudoFonts (SPR 1374248)
- Fixed tfnl macro to switch back correctly following word boundary (SPR 1372829)
- Fixed problem where a revision marker at the beginning of a one word line may change hyphenation point. (SPR 1374423)
- Fixed various minor bundle problems. (SPR 1378483)
- Fixed possible formatting lockup when processing an inline revision marker at a line break. (SPR 1380645)
- Fixed table rules when low priority keeps are ignored and cells span multiple rows. (SPR 1372068)
- First draft of extended support for keep priorities particularly within and around tables (SPR 1300394)
- Finished extended support for keep priorities particularly within and around tables (SPR 1300394)
- Fixed crash when printing an image with a clipping path to PNG driver. (SPR 1375400)
- Fixed high memory use in showstring counters. (SPR 1403240)
- Fixed crash when editing default line style for underlines (SPR 1382443)
- Fixed problem with non-contiguous rules in rules control stream, and corrected use of negative/non-negative rule widths with a mitred joint. (SPR 1402276)
- Fixed problems with hyphenation when using the `accent’ keyword in a ligature table. (SPR 1406604)
- Fixed possible problem with ttrevin macro when multiple offset inline markers follow a tag. (SPR 1382079)
- Fixed problem with revision markers not displaying when document is frozen in the middle of an insert or change range. (SPR 1403443)
- Fixed problem when refreezing a frozen stream that spans a blank page. (SPR 1382084)
- Fixed problem with perl yield3b2 function. (SPR 1378700)
- Fixed problem with Hash Rules when only background colour set. (SPR 1409160)
- Fixed problem with Footnote Continuation stream text not appearing in sidenotes continued from a previous page. (SPR 1409201)
- Fixed possible Pointer Error when using autotabs in tables. (SPR 1408421)
- Fixed encoding issue when using XInclude or XSLT document() function. (SPR 1305345)
- Fixed problem with Hash Rules being used erroneously on backgrounds. (SPR 1402626)
- Fixed crash when saving documents with only fishup commands and page save information. (SPR 1373400)
- Fixed possible formatting problems with large variable replacement lines. (SPR 1410264)
- Fixed crash when using xsl:strip-space in an XSLT transform. (SPR 1379846)
- Fixed clearing of table headers at the start of a new frame or column. (SPR 1361189)
- Added support for clearing of table headers mid-way through a row. (SPR 1361189)
- Make freevars faster. Changed the default behaviour to turn off the “compile Perl snippets” preference. (SPR 1407086)
- Fixed problem with revision markers not always obeying “Mark Whole Styles” flag. (SPR 1383056)
- Fixed problem with footnote placement where reference frame is underlay/overlay. (SPR 1409041)
- Fixed problem with selecting CJK characters in edit bar. (SPR 1378426)
- Fixed problem with RTF import on Unicode version. (SPR 1259875)
- Fixed stoprefs so that they include a blank row and overflow after it, when it occurs just before a <?tbrstrt 1> at the overflow point.(SPR 1340044)
- Fixed Yakumono to work when kerning is not applied. (SPR 1416282)
APP Version 9.1 M020 (Build 421)
- Fixed table headers when they’re cancelled and redefined at the same point (SPR 1418168)
- Fixed problem where characters may be printed at incorrect size when printing to a bitmap driver with a bleed string. (SPR 1418993)
- Fixed pointer error caused by accessing certain getvars (frame-related) during a ^[copyheight ..] function call (when there is no frame). (SPR 1416946)
- Fixed the use of stoprefs within alternate views when the stream is frozen and also contains wrap-references for where a slim table wrapped. (SPR 1414989)
- Fixed stoprefs for where a slim column wrapped, but then the whole content overflowed at the same point. These aren’t really points where the text wraps so the wraprefs are now suppressed, which also allows the normal stoprefs to fire properly. (SPR 1411377)
APP Version 9.1 M020 (Build 422)
- Fixed the use of “keep too big” warnings when columns are left empty. This includes removing some incorrect warnings and adding in some warnings that were missing. (SPR 1423826)
- Fixed the ability to cancel a table header when in the first line of a cell, but not at the very start. (SPR 1423520)
- Fixed potential random result when scanning a bad lump PI containing a semi-colon followed by an ‘f’ followed by a non-integer.
- Fixed problem where characters may be printed at incorrect size when printing to a bitmap driver. (SPR 1418993)
APP Version 9.1 M030 (Build 431)
- Fixed problem with Unicode space characters when reading a TrueType font file directly. (SPR 1426174)
- Modified the accolade feature for drawing whole lines only, to include accolades that are specified within blacklining markers triggered at the start of paragraph. (SPR 1355587)
- Improved support for rotating nested tables and prevented the width from being used as the measure within the parent table.
- Implemented <?tborient 2> to rotate 180 degrees and <?tborient 3> to rotate 90 degrees clockwise.
- Fixed pointer error when all rules are used in a rule control stream. (SPR 1427598)
- Fixed potential corruption when using invalid rule numbers in rule control streams.
- Fixed problem with detecting fields (formatted lines) resulting from frozen and repeated table headers (it affected footnote references in the header). (SPR 1428604)
- Fixed freevars so that freed variables are still usable. (SPR 1428887)
- Fixed use of <?tbreshow=2> for tables of overflow mode 2, where a row spanned over a complete page. (SPR 1416450)
- Modified behaviour of <?tbfootc> when the slim table in question breaks within a nested table. It now breaks at the start of the row, rather than at the point of the first text in the row. (SPR 1416290 and 1428687)
- Fixed problem with a revision marker preceding a discretionary hyphen on the front of a word. (SPR 1428648)
- Fixed problem with PseudoFonts.
- Fixed possible pointer error when formatting footnotes.
- Fixed problem with TrueType kerning tables.
- Modified stopref behaviour to fix problems where they wouldn’t trigger in some circumstances. (SPR 1408330)
- Fixed HTML Edgar2 driver so that when an overflow results in an empty cell, a blank cell is still output. (SPR 1260610)
APP Version 9.1 M040 (Build 440)
- Fixed problem with repeated text when hyphenating a complex word containing too many characters and PI’s. Added format log message. (SPR 1435011)
- Fixed problem with PDF driver when printing a TIFF or EPS files containing a clipping path. (SPR 1430266)
- Fixed problem with rule drawing when using varying line thickness, rounded corners and mitering. (SPR 1433650)
- Fixed HTML Edgar2 driver when a table breaks over a page. (SPR 1260610)
- Fixed nested tables breaking mid-row when using colspans. (SPR 1410277)
- Fixed crash when typing a table from scratch in partial format mode.
- Fixed some problems with stoprefs when show string contents span a page boundary. (SPR 1433088)
- Fixed problem with footnote numbering formatting differently during table prescan. (SPR 1440480)
- Fixed problem when rotating nested tables and finishing two levels of nested table at once.
- Fixed pointer error when keeping with a previous table and avoiding in box mode. (SPR 1434720)
- Fixed some problems with stoprefs when a row spans over a complete page. (SPR 1433088 and 1441850)
- Fixed possible crash in hyphenator when formatting a complex line containing a large number of characters and PI’s. (SPR 1447189)
- Fixed incorrect drawing of diagonal rules on frames.
- Fixed regression resulting from SPR 1433650 changes.
- Fixed handling of corrupt stopref data when loading a 3d file. (SPR 1447789)
- Fixed handling of tables overflowing mid-row, where the last column is spanning multiple rows. (SPR 1442443)
APP Version 9.1 M050 (Build 450)
- Fixed the cutting of text to create a running header. (SPR 1449810)
- Fixed handing of pattern names in Line Pattern Control dialog. (SPR 1452982)
- Tuned memory management system to prevent excessive virtual memory usage. (SPR 1455848)
- Fixed problem with SVG Importer ignoring text-anchor on tspan elements (SPR 1450229)
- Fixed potential for wraprefs to be output twice in alternate views where coding paths don’t match (SPR 1447205)
- Fixed problem with large gradient fills in PostScript and PDF drivers. (SPR 1459550)
- Fixed problem with PseudoFonts and hanging punctuation in Unicode version. (SPR 1457309)
- Fixed problem with TrueType fonts in PostScript and PDF drivers. (SPR 1439704)
- Fixed problem when deleting or replacing a tag in a frozen job.
- Fixed problem with split sidenotes and level copy (frozen pages) that caused extra blank pages to appear. (SPR 1448924)
- Fixed problem with tsscan macro. (SPR 1460417)
APP Version 9.1 M060 (Build 460)
- Fixed footnote group 1 surround frame so it correctly inherits properties from reference frame. (SPR 1416788)
- Fixed <?h=0,64> (which emulates a tie space) to correctly include the space in justification calculations. (SPR 1466623)
- Fixed possible missing text when using keeps and hyphenation disable commands on the same line. (SPR 1463757)
- Fixed issue when a table is rotated by using <?tborient=3> and where a minimum cell height is specified of the exact size of the width of the frame. (SPR 1449550)
- Fixed VJ at the top of a column where the line overlows because of <?bk>…<?ek> (SPR 1444092)
- Fixed <?frame auto-height…> so it works correctly when text is balanced in more than one column (SPR 1458650)
- Fixed tmem macro so it does not crash when there is no document open. (SPR 1466219)
- Reduced memory requirements when passing large variables between Perl and APP in the Unicode version. (SPR 1446694)
- Fixed problem with ttrevclear. (SPR 1463443)
- Fixed issue with slim tables breaking across frame columns. (SPR 1467951)
- Fixed issue with Perl Channels in Unicode version. (SPR 1464515)
- Fixed issue when using APP fonts in a PseudoFont. (SPR 1463213)
- Added command line option -nobundles to disable bundles feature. (SPR 1469787)
- Fixed issue with JPEG files containing large clipping paths. (SPR 1465618)
APP Version 9.1 M070 (Build 470)
- Fixed regression from build 460 so that the <?align> feature still uses the correct VJ margin at the top of a column, when there is text in other columns from earlier alignment groups.
- Fixed handling of negative tabs in conjunction with negative indents so that tab-right and tab-centre now align properly (SPR 1478377)
- Fixed line drawing error with mitred corners when a corner was a smidge off of 90 degrees (SPR 1478516)
- Fixed formatting lockup when <?bk> not found after restarting line to apply a keep. (SPR 1478569)
- Fixed problem with the draw command in a ligature table when the character code is less than 32 in the Unicode version. (SPR 1480001)
- Fixed <?frame auto-height…> regression from build 460 so it works correctly when no columns are specified. (SPR 1458650, C6177151)
- Provided option to override stroking of lines in PDF and PostScript output (SPR 1488824)
- Fixed problem with ttrevclear. (SPR 1463443)
- Fixed keeping back into a nested table, when the overflow occurs within a later sibling nested table. (SPR 1484702)
- Font change now supported between base characters and floating accents drawn with accent ligature commands. (SPR 1490107)
- Fixed problem in PostScript driver when drawing characters from a TrueType font that do not contain a glyph outline. (SPR 1492108)
APP Version 9.1 M080 (Build 480)
- Fixed problem with <?tbrkeept> not working when a nested table triggers the overflow (SPR 1498143)
- Fixed possible pointer error when loading a file using cell backgrounds without any conditions (SPR 1501931)
- Fixed compiled styles issue that processed <^tagname> incorrectly if the tagname started with a valid keyword. (SPR 1502623)
- Fixed issue so data isn’t processed after a page or column break when column footers are used. (SPR 1486351)
- Fixed problem with revision markers being skipped at start of line when in a marked range at an older revision level. (SPR 1505653)
- Fixed problem with copyfit when the frame starts mid-way through a table. (SPR 1512261)
- Fixed issue with <?frame text 1, “”, “text”> when the text contained a % character. (SPR 1514547)
- Fixed line drawing error with mitred corners and small segments at corners (SPR 1515797)
- Fixed problem loading page position information when document contains a nameup command to an undefined namespace. (SPR 1508992)
- Fixed problem with printing rules when more than 3 pages are tied together. (SPR 1510318)
- Fixed problem with tdldtag loading namespaced tags. (SPR 1507904)
- Fixed problem with inline revision markers that begin a new line mid paragraph. (SPR 1516845)
- Fixed issue with frame copyfit ‘Once’ mode to reset actual percentage to 100 if ‘Update real values’ is enabled. (SPR 1496986)
- Fixed issue where attribute loops incorrectly counted an extra attribute if a space preceded the final ’empty element’ slash: <test attr1=”val” />. (SPR 1468006)
- Fixed problem with revision markers in a substream that begin a new line mid paragraph. (SPR 1524937)
APP Version 9.1 M090 (Build 490)
- Enhanced stopref fallback to allow them to be triggered deeper in the nesting heirarchy when the exact stopref position is missed. (SPR 1531137)
- Fixed problem with incorrect revision markers being applied to footnote streams when opening a document and the option to show revision markers in footnotes is disabled. (SPR 1502644)
- Fixed problem where a revision marker at the top of a page would sometimes repeat on following paragraphs. (SPR 1549121)
- Fixed problem with getvar 01625 for the table mode which could potentially return zero during the prescan of the first table. (SPR 1528757)
- Fixed problem where accolades could be removed by tab triggers. (SPR 1278526)
- Fixed problem with tporwl during a table prescan. (SPR 1493027)
- Fixed issues when a named colour is defined to be colour None. (SPR 1499799)
- Fixed problem with PseudoFonts in Maths. (SPR 1527179)
- Fixed problem with PseudoFonts when using <?tcaps=3>. (SPR 1527236)
- Fixed problem in hyphenator when text is yanked from a parent stream that is not the top level stream. (SPR 1528130)
- Fixed problem with frame and column reference when a repeated table column header is cancelled at the top of the column (SPR 1554187)
- Fixed problem with libxml locking external files (SPR 1516906)
APP Version 9.1 M100 (Build 500)
- Fixed issues with page numbering when a table of overflow mode 2 has a single row that spans over an entire page (SPR 1569380)
- Fixed bookmarks so that they are compatible with the <?align> feature (SPR 1601854)
- Fixed duplicate stream close error when linking to files through libxml (SPR 1593154)
- Fixed problem with revision markers and queues (SPR 1588094)
- Fixed problem with revision markers and <?\}label> (SPR 1617295)
- Fixed Application Error in tlctrl dialogue in German interface (SPR 1582700)
- Fixed reloading of low res linked raster colours (SPR 1592094)
APP Version 9.1 M110 (Build 510)
- Fixed the frame inter-column gutter rule when it is tracking the text, so that it works properly with tables, break backs, empty columns and when text in the right hand column starts higher than the left. (SPR 1604422 for the tables)
- Fixed a problem with unsorted indexes where levels were incorrectly combined. (SPR 1602614)
- Fixed a problem with missing footnotes on frozen pages. (SPR 1615555)
- Fixed a problem with <?=> when used near a repeated column header. (SPR 1640386)
- Fixed a problem where footnotes could not overlap anchors when ‘Reposition anchor frames’ is disabled. (SPR 1657990)
- Fixed incorrect calculation of bounding box information in some OpenType fonts containing PostScript outlines. (SPR 1679460)
- Fixed problem with revision markers and queues. (SPR 1670875)
- Fixed problem with revision markers that are cut from a stream using a showstring yank. (SPR 1658084)
APP Version 9.1 M120 (Build 520)
- Fixed problem show strings that may indirecty invoke nested show strings. (SPR 1695698)
- Fixed formatting problem where deleting all pages before tformat would not restart streams from the beginning. (SPR 1743874)
- Fixed a problem with Hungarian hyphenation using the Dieckmann hyphenator (C6985503). Also enabled Estonian, Latvian and Maltese languages for Dieckmann.
- Fixed bookmarks when using <?align> and the last level doesn’t contain any bookmarks itself (SPR 1688482)
- Fixed problem with revision markers and queues. (SPR 1730168)
APP Version 9.1 M130 (Build 530)
- Fixed possible application error when printing to a bitmap driver.
- Fixed potential lockup when trying to keep back with a balanced table/block. (SPR 1805994)
- Fixed issue with the inter-column gutter rule when using break-back options on text within a column that’s not on the left. (SPR 1725554)
- Fixed issue with the inter-column gutter rule when using a table within a column that’s not on the left. (SPR 1730394)
- Fixed issue with best-fit references when the page was not at the top left of the display (e.g. with bleed gaps). (SPR 1785993)
- Fixed issue when overflowing a triple nested table of overflow modes 2, 1 and 2 where the overflow occurs within the inner table. (SPR 1725493)
- Fixed use of default cell properties for a row when the row contains a nested table. (SPR 1817187)
- Fixed problem with tsavetxt macro when using \{:utf-16\} filter. (SPR 1812349)
APP Version 9.1 M130 (Build 531)
- Fixed overflow of tables that break mid-row where cell properties could be applied twice giving problems when using <?tbcrules +…> (SPR 1719916)
- Fixed possible pointer error introduced in build 530 when deeply nested tables overflow.
- Fixed possible formatting lockup when formatting a table of overflow mode 2, and there is contents within the cell that is too wide to ever fit within the measure (SPR 1815318)
APP Version 9.1 M140 (Build 541)
- Fixed error where the table cell dialog does not insert the tbcrules command when OK’d. (SPR 1767723)
- Fixed issue of line overprinting when balancing multiple lines with the paragraphs breaking across columns. (SPR 1827579)
- Fixed possible corruption of revision markers when freezing pages. (SPR 1844155)
- Fixed problem where pasteboard may be printed when using imposition. (SPR 1837431)
- Fixed missing side rule specified at the end of the last line of a paragraph that is squashed. (SPR 1832259)
APP Version 9.1 M150 (Build 550)
- Fixed problem with missing characters in OpenType fonts with PostScript outlines. (SPR 1880704)
- Fixed APP to remain active while Help Centre open. (SPR 1853184)
- Fixed potential lockup when prescanning a table that contains a nested table that is rotated (SPR 1854594)
- Fixed issue with the inter-column gutter rule when breaking across columns and the right hand edge of the line doesn’t match that of the previous line. (SPR 1881644)
- Fixed “Below lowest line” and “Bottom, below lowest” footnotes to behave more consistently like regular “From the bottom, up” footnotes (e.g. being able to split). (SPR 1857906)
- Fixed footnote reliability when referenced from a frame on a page layer. (SPR 1857886)
- Fixed crash when inline footnotes are used on the same page as balanced text. (SPR 1884484)
- Fixed a VJ issue when a line restarts (for begin/end keep, <?bk>..<?ek> and min orphan word length, <?tporwl>). (SPR 1897432)
- Fixed problem with ttrevout. (SPR 1905266)
- Fixed problem when a change of header occurs at the top of a column and there are 3 levels or more. (SPR 1846121)
- Stopped <?tpfmt 8> from having adverse effects when trying to size-to-fit whilst measuring column widths with a prescan. (SPR 1903991)
APP Version 9.1 M160 (Build 560)
- Fixed internal memory corruption and possible pointer error when using a nested table prescan (SPR 1901310)
- Fixed internal memory corruption and possible pointer error when using <?tbwref> within a nested table (SPR 1901310)
- Fixed issue where either <?tpfitbr> or autoleading caused the last line of a para to overflow and then widows and orphans were being ignored. (SPR 1865826)
- Fixed output of rule information causing errors when reloading.(SPR 1954941)
- Fixed handling of <?tbwmode=2> tables splitting horizontally and then overflowing when nested.(SPR 1954968)
- Fixed incorrect vertical justification of a stream caused by the presence of alignment in a different stream on the page. (SPR 1857460)
- Fixed issue so accolades correctly ignore the value of <?tpxbrk>. (SPR 1907764)
- Fixed crash in colour dialogue when colour name is longer than 40 characters. (SPR 1913425)
- Fixed pointer error when using a footer within a table that is nested within a table that also contains a footer. (SPR 1936268)
- Fixed cursor positioning in very wide edit bar. (SPR 1917906)
- Fixed problems saving OpenType fonts to a bundle. (SPR 1919464)
- Fixed problem with <?bk> on end of word at end of line. (SPR 1907456)
- Fixed problem with multiple ligature table changes in a word at end of line. (SPR 1954907)
APP Version 9.1 M161 (Build 561)
- Fixed problem with default cell properties.
APP Version 9.1 M170 (Build 571)
- Fixed issue with keep-with-previous where it wouldn’t work within a section itself was being balanced (SPR 1971370)
- Fixed rotated footnotes surround frame size issue. (SPR 1919326)
- Fixed issue that prevented frame shift (tfshift) from working when using copyfit with ‘update real values’ enabled. (SPR 1936426)
- Fixed problem with space at end of line containing leaders. (SPR 1970802)
- Fixed problem with OpenType font containing an empty index table. (SPR 1972664)
- Fixed pointer error in Line Style menu. (SPR 1993501)
APP Version 9.1 M180 (Build 580)
- Fixed missing fonts when TrueType and OpenType fonts have same family name. (SPR 1975469)
- Fixed corruption in sfctrl.3ad when appending fonts with long names. (SPR 1975469)
- Fixed issue with format log (tfmtlog) sometimes losing information. (SPR 1985020)
- Fixed problem with frame shift incorrectly calculating left / right and odd / even conditions during formatting. (SPR 1986600)
- Fixed problem with custom document properties in PostScript driver. (SPR 2012849)
- Updated cutting guides and registration marks to use Registration colour. (SPR 1909766)
- Fixed issue with using multi column Arabic frames and spans (SPR 1973486)