3B2/APP Perl and Active State Perl
- From version 7 3B2/Arbrotext Advanced Print Publisher has has Perl Scripting integration.
- The latest version of Perl integrated and compatible as from version 8 is Perl 5.8.
- The installed version is the default however Active State perl of the same version can be used instead.
- 32bit APP requires 32bit Perl.
- 64bit APP requires 64bit Perl.
- To direct 3B2/APP to use an alternative location or active state perl you can use the -R command line argument from a start up sargsw.3ad file.
- The Active State community/free version of Perl is no longer available for Perl 5.8. However it can still be accessed through their commercial editions.
- http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads
- For more information on Perl Scripting in 3B2/APP see the installed Help Centre or contact us for support/training.